Pelosi's Democrats Pass Barbaric Abortion Bill

Jay Weber Show transcript 9-27-21 6:44am

One of the things that-I believe- is ‘lost’ on most Americans, is how close we got, at this moment in time, to having democrats be able to destroy America and put us on the sort of path to socialism that party leaders have been dreaming about for decades.

And they still might realize their goal if republicans cannot retake control of at least one chamber of congress next fall...and retake the presidency in 2024.

Because these are-radicals- controlling the levers of power right now, and they’ve never been closer at getting their way-and rigging the system permanently in their favor.

Folks-on Friday-while most of America wasn’t looking- Nancy Pelosi and her house members passed the most radical abortion bill in US history.

This comes at a time in which America has never been so ‘pro-life’. It comes at a time in which science has proven that life begins at conception. And it comes at a time in which Pelosi and the democrats have-never- had a slimmer majority in congress.

The democrats can only lose-three votes. Three of their members- on any given legislation, and it cannot pass.

And so, this is a party that is super-unified in their desire to kill babies. So much so, that they cheered and celebrated at a media event they created after the vote, and Nancy Pelosi told the country how exciting it all was

Honest to God: you’d think that they’d at least have the decency not to cheer the fact that American women are extinguishing the lives of about a million children each year.

But nope. They’ll celebrate death if it means they can claim a ‘win’ for their side of the aisle.

This bill that Pelosi brought up out of nowhere is an attempt to codify Roe-v-Wade into law...but it goes well-past roe and legalizes pretty much any time of in-utero baby killing.

it will not pass in the senate, because it cannot be done via reconciliation and republicans would filibuster it if Chuck Schumer introduced it.

But- the law Pelosi drew up practically has-no limits-on abortion.

It is a barbaric bill. And it had Nancy Pelosi proclaiming that ‘it was a great day’.

Nancy Pelosi. Passed a bill legalizing no-restriction abortions-even past the moment of birth- and said, ‘this is so exciting’.

How does that-not? -make her an evil person?

We also need to recognize what this says about the democrat party-and those who run for office under that banner. As the editors of the national review point out: house democrats can’t seem to find agreement on much of anything, these days, within their caucus-but they all leapt to agreement on the unlimited killing of children.

That! They can all get behind.

photo credit: Getty Images

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