Evers' totally botched a program to feed poor school kids during pandemic

Jay Weber Show transcript 4-9-21 7:45am

Can you imagine what a firestorm this revelation from Matt Kittle would create if we had an honest Wisconsin media?

MPS currently doesn’t know where huge numbers of their students are. At Bryant elementary, for example, one-in-four students are missing. The school officials have lost all contact with them...since virtual learning began over a year ago.

Kittle reported on this at empower Wisconsin, I have seen the story nowhere else-and I’ve seen no follow up over the last few days- since matt first reported it:

Evers, DPI lose track of lost students

Here in Wisconsin, the DPI and MPS aren’t exactly leaping to release the numbers and/or admit their failures. But Bryant elementary, as of last week, admitted that 25 percent of the students they had before covid-19 are MIA.

If that percentage is even close to a district-wide average, that is alarming. But no local news outlets are going to do the story?

Here’s a heck of a story that Patrick Marley and Molly Beck-do- report on in today’s j/s. There are so many things wrong in this story- it’s hard to know where to start.

'My kids deserve to eat': Wisconsin officials fail to get food assistance to thousands of poor children

But-the gist of the story is: the State doesn’t have the home addresses for a huge number of the kids who normally get free school lunch.

And given that these families are supposed to be getting a meal check-from the feds and the district- in lieu of the free meals-a lot of them aren’t getting the cash...due to the fact they aren’t on the State grid.

This is-yet again- a failure of the Evers administration, and so i have to, again, wonder what sort of crap storm would follow if we had a republican governor.

The criticism and demands for fixes would be relentless- and with good reason .But....as I say...I have problems with the very -expectation- that govt. has to feed all of these ‘free lunch kids’ 365 days a year- and even when they aren’t in school.

The state is supposed to be sending the equivalent of about a 13-hundred dollar check for each child in each Wisconsin family that is eligible for the free meals program- which is now more than just lunch.

And tens of thousands of kids aren’t getting those checks so their families can use it to feed them is the story.

And why haven’t they gotten this assistance?

Okay. It’s a good story-but Scott Walker and his people would have been hammered and hounded, and hounded and hammered, and would not have gotten away with simply remaining silent about it.

I also expect-no zeal by other news outlets to follow up on yet another very real failing of the Tony Evers administration.

Man, they are terrible at this job, aren’t they?

Even with the MSM largely covering for them-has the Evers administration gotten anything right?

It’s scandal after scandal-and these are all scandals of incompetence. Not doing their jobs, effectively.

Tony Evers is a terrible governor, and the staffers who clearly control him like a puppet are proving they are a terrible politburo.

Then the story moves to comments from a struggling mother. I also bristle at this woman’s attitude.

I know it’s going to sound heartless-but- she shouldn’t expect the rest of us to feed her children.

And she has no right to get angry when a handout from others doesn’t arrive promptly on time.

I’m sorry-but her attitude reflects an entitlement and welfare attitude that has developed in this country that-is not -healthy.

She should at least be grateful for any help that is coming because-she had the kids.

Her kids do deserve to eat- and eat food provided by her and her husband, or absentee daddy.

Who else is in the picture-who helped make these kids?

And why is lee angry at us- instead of him?

Then we get another example:

Again. Exactly.

And i understand her plight. She’s absolutely right that all of the bills go up when your kids are at home 24/7 and not getting fed two or three meals at school.

But again...the expectation that the rest of us help pay her bills and that government gets this handout right- is irksome to me.

But i admit- I’ve got some sympathy for these families in this regard: if, darn it, the federal government is going to take these billions of dollars to run the free meal program every year, and decided to move to this program during the pandemic-

If they are going to use our taxpayer money this way- without asking us and send out checks to those on the lower rungs anyway-then dammit, get it right.

These women and families shouldn’t expect the handout or complain if it’s not coming fast enough....

But....our-expectation as taxpayers should be that if our government is going to take money out of our paychecks to provide such a program-then darn it- they should get it right. Do a competent job of administering it.

And Gov. Evers and his team isn’t doing it.

And by the way- a final irony here-the handlers who are really running the Evers government are all socialists...and so you’d think this would be their wheel-house, correct?

Lets prove to Wisconsin that socialist government and big government programs can work.

Instead they are botching it. Again.

And why? Because a big, centralized government run by lightweights and idiots doesn’t work. Has never worked. But the left is pushing this country closer and closer to it.

The socialist politburo in the Evers administration, has completely bleeped up a big govt. handout program that should have been rather easy to administer.

They haven’t even collected the addresses of about 78-thousand kids in Wisconsin who-we taxpayers pay-to be fed free meals.

This free meal program has always been ‘charity by coercion’ for the taxpayers...with us being asked to feed everyone else’s kids two or three times a day... And so the least government could do-is get it right!

photo credit: Fox 6 News Milwaukee

story credit: jsonline.com empowerwisconsin.com

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