Biden lowers his "tax the rich" threshold, breaking a campaign promise

This year’s tax filing deadline-has indeed-been moved back to May 17th.

There was some question as to whether the IRS was going to make it the fifteenth or the seventeenth-they chose may seventeenth, and the state of Wisconsin will follow. That applies to state returns, too.

The new due date is May seventeenth.

It means that for some of us, again this year, our first quarterly payment on our 2021 taxes will be due before our final 2020 taxes are due...but this is due to the last minute tax implications, and tax changes, that were included in the democrat’s two-trillion dollar raid on the their fake ‘covid-19 stimulus’ bill...

And now they are talking about a massive -three trillion dollar- infrastructure and global warming bill-that they also want to ram home with no republican votes.

I’ll get to that in a minute. But- first- a couple of other sidebars on Biden and the Dems attempts to increase your taxes...or pass tax laws that further redistribute wealth.

The first thing to note is that the democrats included in this covid-19 bill, an enhanced child tax credit that they also turned into a monthly payment for those on the lower rungs, to literally turn the IRS into even more of a hidden welfare agency.

And the democrats fully expect that, when the time comes that this change expires, they will be able to bully and guilt republicans into making the change permanent.

And we, the people, who are paying the bulk of the federal income taxes, just get screwed again.

More redistribution of ‘income’. Not wealth. This is redistribution of ‘income’.

with this increased child tax credit we are going to-on paper-cut the number of America’s children in poverty in half.

Which is bogus, it really won’t.

But this is the talking point the democrats pounded: that the covid-19 bill would cut child poverty in half.

They did so that, next year, when the higher child tax credit expires, they can label republicans as evil and heartless for letting it expire and...Quote. Doubling the level of children in poverty.

Get it?

They are confident that McCarthy and McConnell and the dc republicans won’t want to start off a crucial election year being smeared with that liable...

And so they will cave and vote to make the change permanent. This was the strategy all

And we will see if the republicans cave on it, early next year.

I would normally say, ‘it’s a given’, but today’s GOP-post trump-is more conservative than the GOP used to be, and wants to see their elected officials put up a fight-more than ever.

And so maybe McConnell and McCarthy-will-have the stones to push back and let this expire and take the bullying messaging hit.

Republicans are bound to get ushered out of office by their own party, if they just roll over on it.

I’m telling you- this Republican Party, post trump, is going to be more conservative, more demanding, and more his wake. And our GOP leaders had better realize that.

The second thing I’d highlight of the democrat’s tax increases- is that- in order to pay for some of his trillions and trillions of dollars in new spending, Biden’s team is talking about raising taxes again...on quote...the rich...

But if you missed it recently...the Biden team reneged on a campaign promise and dropped the level of new taxation to include anyone who makes over 200-thousand dollars a year...

Not the 400-thousand dollar a year pledge that Biden and these scumbags campaigned on.

And they are going to be in a panic to raise taxes, in order to pay for what is now a five trillion dollar orgy of new spending....with the wish list growing.

Their ugly, dishonest covid-19 relief package was an unnecessary and scummy two-trillion dollar raid on the federal treasury.

Now they are talking about spending another three trillion dollars on infrastructure and global warming nonsense...

And this price tag is only likely to grow for this next ‘reconciliation’ bill...because the democrats and their activists are realizing that they might only get one more kick at this ‘reconciliation cat’.

This is the budget process that can only be used sparingly, and they have already used once to get the covid-19 package passed with not a single republican vote.

Now they want to use it again for infrastructure and global warming, and their activist groups are already lining up to ask...can’t we also put amnesty in there? Are you sure we can’t ram home the min wage after all?

What about DC statehood- can we hide that in there?

Folks-this next big swing is going to be a nightmare for the American people, but also, hopefully, for Pelosi and Schumer, too.

And we already know that’s a lie, because it will be anyone making over 200-thousand dollars, and the tax increase won’t be ‘a little bit more’, the slime bag.

And our only hope as conservatives and independent or moderate taxpayers, is to hope that republicans can find a way to bollix up the works, and/or, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer cannot find the votes to pass such an outrageous package thru their chambers.

I have been questioning whether chuck Schumer is really up to the task of running this senate caucus. Even as he keeps running around doing interviews...and raising the stakes-

I mean- the man is doing interviews insisting ‘failure is not an option’ and ‘this will get done’.

But at the same time, he doesn’t have the votes to end the filibuster or really get consensus on many of these things within his own caucus.

And so- I’ve been talking about how Schumer doesn’t really seem to be gaming a lot of this out....

Well, AB Stoddard, wonders the same thing: is Chuck Schumer going to be a problem for Biden, or a help for him?

She has a really good piece at real clear politics

AB Stoddard is thinking that Schumer is all ‘happy talk’, hoping to convince New Yorkers next year that- he fought hard-and really wants to get all of this done-but you have to send me back to DC and give me more democrat senators...

And he hopes that will save his seat.

It makes sense.

And it is in keeping with one of my long time standards: it’s all about protecting their own power...for Schumer and Pelosi.

They have sold out every position and belief that they once had as younger lawmakers-

And they have sold out their second and third and fourth positions on some things-to the point that they are perfectly okay with selling America out to socialists and communists, so long as they get to hold power for as long as they want to, including right up to their own deaths.

Of course Chuck Schumer would sell out the country to keep his power and position. Of course he would.

photo credit: Getty Images

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