Trust fund babies want to use their wealth to tear down Capitalism

Jay Weber Show transcript 12-1-20 8:05am

I’m a little surprised this didn’t get more attention: the CEO and founder of whole foods- which has a reputation as a healthy, enlightened, nuts and twigs chain...doesn’t it?

Their CEO saying socialism ruins everything.

Whole Foods CEO Rails Against Socialism, Says 'Capitalism Is the Greatest Thing Humanity's Ever Done'

John Mackey is clearly a lefty. He talks about how some of the progressive ideas are good ones that we should peruse...but socialism?


And i realize that he has talked this way before, and he’s gotten some guff on college campuses for not towing the socialist progressive line. He’s been ‘disinvited’ to a few speeches on campus when the lefty activists who invited him got wind of what his views really are...

But....this was a national news story over a slow holiday weekend...and i would have thought it would have gotten more attention.

And he’s right, of course, and instead of today’s young ‘woke’ people rushing to cancel and silence anyone who doesn’t agree with them. Maybe they should listen to some different views. Listen to some older people with more life experience. Those who have been around for a while and seen a few things.

And I’m talking about older folks on their own side of the aisle: i know these college kids...and the AOC crowd of young socialists.... Don’t want to hear from trump or evil conservatives-

But maybe they should listen to older folks with some experience...on their own side of the aisle. Like lefty businessmen such as John Mackey or bill gates or warren buffet. They are all lefties who could explain the greatness of capitalism to today’s youth.

And as for AOC and the so-called justice democrats: maybe they should listen to Diane Feinstein and Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi...instead of dismissing them.

After all-all three of the people that i just mentioned spent their entire careers on the absolute ‘left wing’ of their party. Way out there on the tip...of the left wing-

Feinstein and Biden were about as far left as was still acceptable. And electable...and pushed all sorts of stuff that was way too liberal for the rest of us.

But they still had -and have- a basic love for this country and its traditions and its institutions.

One thing that -starkly contrasts-those older, traditional liberals who controlled the democrat party for most of the last 40 years...and this new breed of socialist cry that at least the old school libs displayed a love of country and a respect for America’s traditions.

At least they believed in the American dream and the American ideal and believed we were the greatest country in the nation for several reasons-one of which-was capitalism.

This new socialist, bullying horde-does not- love America. They come from the position that America was-never great. They are teaching our young people that America has always been a land of white, racist, oppressors...and the people of color that they oppressed.

They don’t want to preserve this country or its traditions-they want to destroy it- and build some false ‘socialist utopia-

Of the sort that socialist liars and frauds-and even ‘true believers’ have tried to achieve and always failed.

Because the very tenets of socialism...go against human nature and the individual human drive to excel.

The New York Times had a lengthy story over the long weekend...about a bunch of rich kids and trust fund babies who have grown up privileged and either feel guilty about it...or were too pampered to have to actually pay attention in class...or whatever...

But....the NY Times was glorifying trust fund babies who want to give their family fortune away and tear don capitalism.

Lately, Sam Jacobs has been having a lot of conversations with his family’s lawyers. He’s trying to gain access to more of his $30 million trust fund. At 25, he’s hit the age when many heirs can blow their money on harebrained businesses or a stable of sports cars. He doesn’t want to do that, but by wealth management standards, his plan is just as bad. He wants to give it all away.

“I want to build a world where someone like me, a young person who controls tens of millions of dollars, is impossible,” he said.

A socialist since college, Mr. Jacobs sees his family’s “extreme, plutocratic wealth” as both a moral and economic failure. He wants to put his inheritance toward ending capitalism, and by that he means using his money to undo systems that accumulate money for those at the top, and that have played a large role in widening economic and racial inequality.

Millennials will be the recipients of the largest generational shift of assets in American history — the Great Wealth Transfer, as finance types call it. Tens of trillions of dollars are expected to pass between generations in just the next decade.

If he’s that committed to poverty, himself, he could just give it all away.

That has-always-been an option for wealthy Americans who think they have too much money: give it away.

And the truth is- the vast majority do- thru charity, foundations, and doing good works.

The truth is that -very few- of America’s elites are heartless misers who are sitting on their stacks of money.

The vast majority of Americans who find themselves in the position to give away some of their money to do good works- do- do it.

And on top of the charitable option – it has always been an option to give money directly to the US Treasury. If someone like bill gates thinks he’s not taxed enough- he always has the option of writing a check directly to the treasury.

This trust fund clown could do that.

Instead-he wants his inheritance to go toward ‘ending capitalism’ me...sounds like engaging in politics and funding anti-America left wing groups.

I assume that’s what he wants to do with -his parent’s money-

Or his grandparents- money. Because- let’s be clear- Jacob didn’t earn it.

And if he feels guilty about that...let him give it all away...for all we care.Instead he wants to do what with it?

Virtue signal.

Isn’t that what he’s really doing? As a young, privleged brat?

Isn’t he trying to elevate himself into a more virtuous using money that he never earned to do it?

Socialism drops everyone into poverty and if Jacob had done any studying. They’d know that.

Over and over again-thru-out the twentieth century-socialism and communism were tried...on the promise that this will rise the poor people up into a more prosperous class. Everyone could be middle class ‘comfortable.’

And evert time- socialism and communism erased the middle class and created the very wealthy and politically connected class...and the ‘others’. The poverty class. There is nothing in between.

Cuba used to have a middle class...before Castro. Venezuela used to have a middle class before Hugo...pick a socialist country out of history...and you will see they all end the same way: extreme poverty, suffering, and dysfunction.

The story goes on to quote an openly Marxist professor who has poisoning kids minds for 50 years...and he says...oh...these kids? Today’s kids are the dumbest yet. Really pliable and easily duped...

What’s the one thing these young socialists all have in common? They’re obviously dimwits, aren’t they?

They even sound stupid when they are asked who they are or what they believe.

It’s a ‘what do yah got?’...sort of response.

That’s Marlon Brando in ‘the wild one’...isn’t it?

Someone asks him; what are you rebelling against and he says ‘what do yah got?’

These young socialists sound that dopey: I’m a socialist, an anarchist, a Marxist, a communist, and whatever else you got.

They’re idiots...and sadly...part of a growing ‘moron’ class in this country. Because the rest of us have allowed it to happen.

We weren’t watching what was going on in academia as they were polluting our kids minds.

Story credit: Newsweek, NY Times

Photo credit: Getty

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