Pimpin is easy in progressive cities

One of the most underrated rappers of the 1980s, Big Daddy Kane, left us with some classics. Including his hit Pimpin Ain’t Easy. He describes the difficulties that a gentlemen of the ladies has. It’s a common theme, a lot of rappers have albums about the difficulties of the pimp game.

They should just move to Seattle.

The city of Seattle this week announced it has hired former pimp Andre Taylor to be the city’s ‘street czar.’ His job will be to ‘de-escalate’ violence in the city. Maybe he will use his pimp hand.

Taylor, according to the Daily Wire is “open about his past as a pimp.”

“Me, as a Black man has the right to be paid for my genius or for whatever my organization can provide,” he told a local news outlet. “Black people as a whole have not been in a place to be compensated for their genius or their work for a very, very long time.”

Genius is the right word. Taylor is showing how strong his pimp game is. Why work, when you can get somebody else to do the work for you.

Taylor is the pimp, the city of Seattle is the prostitute, and taxpayers of Seattle are the Johns who are on the hook for $150,000 that doesn’t even get them a happy ending.

But Taylor is not the only pimp in Seattle to get paid. Mayor Jenny Durkan has dedicated $100 million to ‘community investment’ post-CHOP.

That is $100 million that will simply disappear into someone’s pockets. At least pimps had gators and gold chains to show for their work.

Put this in perspective. Taylor will make $150,000 this year. That is more than Milwaukee’s mayor. That is almost as much as Gov. Evers. Taylor’s salary is more than Wisconsin’s Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, Attorney General, and Superintendent of Public Instruction.

But this is the modern left. It is all a scam to get someone else's money. Andre Taylor is no different, now or in the past, than Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson. Taylor is no different than all of the astroturf organizations in Milwaukee that can provide protesters on demand. He is really no different than half the state’s elected leaders who whined and complained their way into public paycheck and have done nothing but cash them since.

The millions, billions, or trillions that have been spent in the country over the years for government to try and buy its way out of its problems haven’t solved anything. A lot of people have cashed-in, but poverty is still too high, education levels are too low, and families in most of America's big cities are suffering. Democrats have done nothing but talk and spend money about those problems for years. This is just the latest example.

Andre Taylor’s new job isn’t even that. He won’t have to produce anything. At least when he was running his girls he had to deliver something, he had to manage someone, he had to hustle for that money. Now, he gets to sit back and let the government bring it to him.

Pimpin indeed.

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